When buffering happens, this is related to the internet connection and very rarely to the stream itself, I have spoken with the OPs team who handle and monitor all the streams and they have confirmed there were no outages during this event. 

I understand this isn't the answer you expected but we want to get your issue fixed and resolved asap, please find below some factors that can hugely affect your broadband and potential viewing/ listening.  

We would always get you to check with your supplier for the best and most effective way to improve and maintain a great broadband connection and to see if there have been any dropouts or dips in the connection.

Factors affecting your Broadband speed 
  1. Your Service Provider. Some service providers run faster than others. The biggest difference is between copper networks and fibre optic networks. On copper networks, your distance from the exchange is the largest factor. On fibre optic networks this is not an issue. Capacity in the local network also comes into play if too many people on your street are all trying to use the same infrastructure. On fibre optic networks, this is less of an issue as the network has a higher capacity but can still be affected. 
  2. The package you have purchased from your service provider. If you have bought a 10Mb package you will only get 10Mb if you buy 100Mb you will get 100Mb. Sorry if that is stating the obvious.
  3. The processing speed of your computer and router or modem. Old computers with less memory run slower.
  4. The speed of the connection between your computer and modem or router – that is, a wired connection is faster than wireless one. Older wireless connections run much slower than newer wireless connections. For maximum wireless speed, you should look for 802.11n that can operate in the 5Ghz frequency range rather than the 2.4 GHz range
  5. The time of day is a huge factor, your speed may slow down at certain times, for example, in the evenings and weekends when everyone is downloading or streaming content. 
  6. The speed of individual websites you are visiting (some have a maximum access speed)
  7. Whether you’re sharing your connection with other people or devices (like other laptops, smartphones, iPads or gaming consoles) in your home
  8. Whether you have software running in the background, such as spyware.